Install Plug-in for RDi

Before You Begin

Make sure that you have administrator rights if you installed RDi into c:\Program Files.
Otherwise you may encounter strange error messages such as 'No repository found containing ...' when attempting to install the iSphere plug-in.
Some people complained about various dependency errors, which could be solved by deselecting all update sites, leaving only iSphere checked.

Please consider to install RDi to c:\IBM\... to avoid problems when installing plug-ins.

Install Using the iSphere Update Site

Using the iSphere Update Site requires the least effort to install the iSphere plug-ins for RDi 8.0 and later versions.

From the main menu, select "Help > Install New Software..." to enter the "Install" dialog.

RDi: Install new software

Paste the URL of the iSphere update site into the "Work with:" field and press enter.
Select the options you want to install.
Click [Next >]

RDi: Install new software step 2

Review the Install Details then click [Next >]

RDi: Install, Details

Review and accept the license terms.
Click [Finish]

RDi: Install, License

You may see a warning message. Click [OK].

RDi: Install, Warning

Install Using a Local Update Directory

In this approach you manually download the plug-ins once from SourceForge. The actual installation of the plug-ins can then be done without access to the Internet. You might use this approach if you have multiple developers and limited internet bandwidth.

Go to the iSphere download page at SourceForge and download the zip file for your environment.

Then follow these steps to create your local update site:

Install Using a Local Update Archive

This approach is similar to using a local update directory, except that you don't unpack the zip file.

Go to the iSphere download page at SourceForge and download the zip file for your environment.

Then follow these steps to create your local update site: